Monday, June 10, 2013

The Fastest Loser

If you follow me on facebook, you have probably noticed that I have been posting about exercising lately. This is because of the Fastest Loser: Grossnicklaus Edition. Three weeks ago, my mom and I started a race to lose 8 lbs. Here's how it's going:

IT'S FREAKING HARD!! It's one thing to exercise, and it's another to cut calories, but it's a monster to take on both. Here's a few visuals to help you understand my feelings:

Overall though, I think it's going pretty well.

Week 1: minus 4 lbs
Week 2: plus 1 lb
Week 3: minus 2 lbs

Week two I broke down and ate fast food... twice. It wasn't my finest moment(s). It's AMAZING how bad fast food is. I even got a McWrap and the calorie count was not that much better than a burger.

Anywho, the few rules I'm living by right now:
1. DO NOT eat when you're not hungry.
2. STOP eating when you are no longer hungry.
3. NO soda. Ever.
4. Run every other day RELIGIOUSLY.

I don't feel that much different on the inside, but I can definitely tell on the outside. Love handles are shrinking and lower belly shrinking. (yayyy!!) I guess all I needed was a little motivation.

"Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So... get on your way!" Dr. Seuss

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